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Icon LinkAssets

We export an array of Asset Icon Link objects, that can be useful when creating your dApp. The Asset object has useful metadata about the different assets that are available on blockchain networks (Fuel and Ethereum).

Included assets such as:

  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Tether (USDT)
  • USD Coin (USDC)
  • Wrapped ETH (WETH)

The helper functions getAssetFuel and getAssetEth can be used to get an asset's details relative to each network. These return a combination of the asset, and network information (the return types are AssetFuel and AssetEth respectively).

// #import { Wallet, Asset, AssetFuel, assets, getAssetFuel };
const recipient = Wallet.generate({ provider });
// Find the asset with symbol 'ETH'
const assetEth: Asset = assets.find((asset) => asset.symbol === 'ETH')!;
// Get all the metadata for ETH on Fuel Test Network
const chainId: number = CHAIN_IDS.fuel.testnet;
const assetEthOnFuel: AssetFuel = getAssetFuel(assetEth, chainId)!;
// Send a transaction (using the asset on Fuel Test Network)
const transaction = await sender.transfer(recipient.address, 100, assetEthOnFuel.assetId);
const result = await transaction.waitForResult();