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Src 13 Soulbound Address

Icon LinkSRC-13: Soulbound Address

The following standard allows for the implementation of Soulbound Address on the Fuel Network. Soulbound Assets are Native Assets Icon Link sent to the Soulbound Address and cannot be transferred. As Native Assets on the Fuel Network do not require approvals to be spent, any asset sent to an Address may be transferable. The SRC-13 standard provides a predicate interface to lock Native Assets as soulbound.

Icon LinkMotivation

This standard enables soulbound assets on Fuel and allows external applications to query and provide soulbound assets, whether that be decentralized exchanges, wallets, or other external applications.

Icon LinkPrior Art

Native Assets Icon Link on the Fuel Network do not require the implementation of certain functions such as transfer or approval. This is done directly within the FuelVM and there is no smart contract that requires updating of balances. As such, any assets sent to an Address may be spendable and ownership of that asset may be transferred. For any soulbound assets, spending must be restricted.

Predicates are programs that return a Boolean value and which represent ownership of some resource upon execution to true. All predicates evaluate to an Address based on their bytecode root. A predicate must evaluate to true such that the assets may be spent.

The SRC-13 Soulbound Asset Standard naming pays homage to the ERC-5192: Minimal Soulbound NFTs Icon Link seen on Ethereum. While there is functionality we may use as a reference, it is noted that Fuel's Native Assets Icon Link are fundamentally different than Ethereum's tokens.

Icon LinkSpecification

Icon LinkOverview

To ensure that some asset shall never be spent, we must apply spending conditions. This can be done with Predicates on Fuel. Any asset sent to a Predicate Address shall never be spent if the predicate never evaluates to true.

We must also ensure every Address on Fuel has its own Predicate. This can be guaranteed by using a configurable where an Address is defined.

Icon LinkDefinitions

  • Soulbound Address Predicate - The resulting predicate which owns assets on behalf of an Address.
  • Soulbound Address - The computed Address of the Soulbound Asset Predicate.
  • Soulbound Asset - Any Native Asset Icon Link sent to the Soulbound Address.

Icon LinkSoulbound Address Predicate Specification

  • The Soulbound Address Predicate SHALL never spend the assets sent to its computed predicate Address or Soulbound Address.
  • The Soulbound Address Predicate SHALL encode an Address of which it represents the soulbound address.

Below we define the Soulbound Address Predicate where ADDRESS MUST be replaced with the Address of which the Soulbound Address Predicate represents.

configurable {
    ADDRESS: Address = Address::from(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000),
fn main() -> bool {
    asm (address: ADDRESS) { address: b256 };

Icon LinkSoulbound Address

The Soulbound Address is the Soulbound Address Predicate's predicate address. A predicate's address(the bytecode root) is defined here Icon Link.

The Soulbound Address may be computed from the Soulbound Address Predicate's bytecode both on-chain or off-chain. For off-chain computation, please refer to the fuels-rs predicate docs Icon Link. For on-chain computation, please refer to Sway-Lib's Bytecode Library Icon Link.

Icon LinkRationale

On the Fuel Network, the process for sending any Native Assets Icon Link is the same and does not require any approval. This means that any assets sent to an Address may be spendable and does not require any external spending conditions. In the case of a soulbound asset, we need to ensure the asset cannot be spent.

Icon LinkBackwards Compatibility

This standard is compatible with Fuel's Native Assets Icon Link and the SRC-20 standard.

Icon LinkSecurity Considerations

This standard does not introduce any security concerns, as it does not call external contracts, nor does it define any mutations of the contract state.

It should however be noted that any Native Asset on the Fuel Network is not a Soulbound Asset until it is sent to a Soulbound Address.

Icon LinkExample

The following example shows the Soulbound Address Predicate for the 0xe033369a522e3cd2fc19a5a705a7f119938027e8e287c0ec35b784e68dab2be6 Address.

The resulting Soulbound Address is 0x7f28a538d06788a3d98bb72f4b41012d86abc4b0369ee5dedf56cfbaf245d609. Any Native Assets sent to this address will become Soulbound Assets.

configurable {
    ADDRESS: Address = Address::from(0xe033369a522e3cd2fc19a5a705a7f119938027e8e287c0ec35b784e68dab2be6),
fn main() -> bool {
    asm (address: ADDRESS) { address: b256 };